

Gender Pay Gap has been widely discussed and many times misunderstood. The media has a tendency to exaggerate and misrepresent the intent of the analysis performed. In our Pay Equity Analysis we will review each of your jobs or those jobs with comparable levels of responsibility. We then review the pay for each person in the comparable jobs, particularly looking at average pay of women compared to the average pay of men - this is the crux of where the “Gap” lies. Many organizations or external consultants will review all jobs and the pay provided to all men, then all jobs and the pay provided to all women – thereby determining a gap. This secondary approach is unfair and really misrepresents the true “Gap”. In extensive analysis’ we have performed, reviewing individuals doing the same job or comparable jobs and the pay of women versus men – is where the gap, if any, is determined.

Legal Obligations

Legal Obligations

With the above stated, ensuring pay equity is more than a legal obligation—it’s a critical component of fostering an inclusive and fair workplace. Our Gender Pay Gap Analysis is designed to help you identify and address any pay disparities that may exist within your organization. We conduct a thorough audit of your compensation data, breaking down salaries by gender, role, experience, and other relevant factors to uncover any inequities.

Gender Gap Analysis

Gender Gap Analysis

Once we’ve identified potential gaps, we provide you with a detailed report highlighting areas of concern and offering practical recommendations to close these gaps. This might include adjusting base pay, re-evaluating job roles and responsibilities, or implementing pay increases over time. Our goal is to help you build a compensation structure that is both fair and competitive, ensuring that all employees are rewarded equitably for their contributions.

Company Culture

Company Culture

Beyond compliance, addressing the gender pay gap can have a profound impact on your company’s culture and reputation. By taking proactive steps to ensure pay equity, you send a strong message to current and potential employees that your organization values fairness and diversity. This can lead to increased employee satisfaction, higher retention rates, and a stronger, more inclusive workplace.